Conjointly with the University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg City Museums are organizing a major multidisciplinary event around cultural life in Strasbourg from 1880 to 1930. The aim of Laboratory for Europe, Strasbourg, 1880-1930 is to show how Strasbourg became at this time a ‘laboratory' triggering new ideas and art forms. These were the products of cross-fertilizations as well as conflicts, going beyond the cultures of France and Germany to those of Europe itself.
The exhibition focuses on a remarkable artistic flowering of the decorative arts, prompted by new urban development, and the emergence of a leading European university with outstanding researchers, teachers and students. The University of Strasbourg amassed outstanding scientific collections, while the Strasbourg Museums accumulated art collections that are today unique in France. Strasbourg in the 1920s saw the emergence of innovative experiments such as the founding of contemporary historical science by the École des Annales or the creation of the Aubette, a modernist flagship. Ideas, science and the arts thus combined to renew the city's complex dual identity and its enduring ambition for a European humanist culture.
Quelle: Heymann, Renoult Associées
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